Create a New Plan for 2020 with this Guide
Let’s face it, the first half of 2020 sucked.
While time feels more limited, your brain is packed with worry, frustration, and stress as you think about the future and “what-ifs.”
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But it hasn’t been all bad. You adapted to new challenges. Learned what works and what doesn’t. And the ‘great pause’ made you think about what’s really important in your life.
The rest of 2020 doesn’t have to suck.
The Create Your 20/20 Plan During a 2020 Pandemic guide will help you reflect on the last 6 months and give you tools to plan your future and anticipate what-ifs.
What activities or rituals left you feeling exhausted or less than fulfilled pre-pandemic? What worked and what didn't about your routine?
What fears or concerns do you currently have? What has brought you joy during this shelter-in-place time? What rituals/routines do you want to keep?
What do you want for your life, moving forward, in the following categories (love/relationship, family, job/business, community, self-care, etc.)? What challenges do you face come summer and fall?
Identify the 3 most important changes you want to make or accomplishments you want to achieve over the next 6-9 months.
Imagine having a place to put all your thoughts - the good ones, the stressed out ones, the worried ones, and also the grateful ones.
A place where you can reflect on what you're currently experiencing, but also create a realistic plan for the future.
True, the next six months remain uncertain, but you’ve experienced what living through a pandemic looks like. Now, you can be intentional about the rest of 2020.
This guide is so much more than journal prompts. By using it, you'll:
Anticipate some of the challenges you’ll face this summer and fall, and brainstorm possible scenarios and solutions.
Set 3 amazing goals (big or small) with the use of helpful goal worksheets and create your 2020 plan.
Learn how to increase the odds of reaching your goals by up to 95%
Receive beautiful printables - 1. My favorite quote 2. Six practices for creating the life you want.
And back to the journal prompts - more than 20 questions to help you reflect on the last 6 months and plan for the NEXT 6 months.
No one tool (or guide) is magic. You are being pulled in so many directions and it's just plain hard!
My hope is that this guide will provide an opportunity to make sense of your feelings and concerns, and help you develop a plan for the rest of the 2020.
As my girl Glennon Doyle says, "I see your pain, and it's big. I also see your courage, and it's bigger. You can do hard things."
Love, Alli
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