I'm not a reader


I'm not a reader.

This was my standard answer when people asked me about the latest book I read.

Ever since having kids (and even before), I found myself coming up with excuses why I wasn't reading much. I don't have time. I read too slow. I fall asleep when I read.

I asked my friend Tami, who is an avid reader, how I could become a better reader. Her brilliant answer: Read more. This simple answer made me realize the limiting belief and lie I was telling myself, which only perpetuated me not reading.

When I thought about my goals for 2020 and the limiting beliefs that I was ready to let go of, reading was at the top of the list. I knew I wanted to create a better evening ritual with less screen time. Instead of filling my brain with other people's lives, I had the opportunity to get lost in the latest fiction or learn something new about coaching or building a business.

You know who is a reader? Someone who reads.

I kicked off the year claiming: I AM a reader. No more believing I wasn't. No more making excuses.

After setting a specific goal to read 4 books per month in the categories of fiction, parenting, self-improvement/coaching, and business, I'm happy to report that as of February I'm almost finished with my 8th book!

Deciding WHO I want to be versus telling myself who I'm NOT made all the difference.

Do you have a limiting belief that you are ready to let go of? Ask yourself what isn’t working anymore and decide that you don’t have to label yourself anymore. I like being a reader. I’m wearing that label proudly.

StoriesAllison Moore